
The Humane Organisation for the Relief of Suffering Equines is being established to enhance and improve the quality of life for all of the equine species in Barbados and to promote their well-being through a holistic approach.

  • Fundraising to allow enhanced quality of life for all horses and ponies.
  • Education of owners with respect to improving horse welfare and providing the best possible care in exchange for the faithful service provided by their equine partners 
  • Education of the public into the inherent value and need to cherish, protect and care for horses and ponies
  • Placement of unwanted horses and ponies into loving and suitable homes

Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of Solitaire. It is a grand passion. 

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Improving the quality of life for abused and neglected horses
  • Assisting with the purchase of medical equipment for treatment of 
    horses and ponies
  • Improving legislation to aid in the protection of horses and ponies
  • Education of officials within horse sport
  • Continued education of local veterinarians through specialists to introduce
    new techniques
  • Providing specialists to assist in treatments as needed
  • Education of holistic equine practitioners
  • Education of farriers
  • Procurement of a sanctuary to provide rehabilitation for unwanted, mistreated or abused horses and ponies